Skwigly Online Animation Magazine Search

Dec 7: Food, Clothing, Shelter (Johnny Kelly)

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There they are, standing on the street corner or right next to the door of the shop, as the guilt-inducing tingle of their golden bells ricochet through the street. My gut reaction is avoid eye-contact and hurry by. I used my credit card in the store, I don’t even HAVE any spare change and what would a few pennies do anyway? But after watching these three 15 second spots by Johnny Kelly, the tinny sound of coins on coins echoing through the red bucket has a new magic for me. An elegant and simple concept, beautifully designed and executed, sends an effective message. I’ll be carrying change in my pockets this holiday season.

Interesting moment, fact or point of inspiration from your production:
For a long time it was 50/50 whether we would film these using live action or stop motion. Live action would have meant Andy (Gent, our Model Maker) would have had to build mechanical contraptions that change with the weight of exactly one coin. Andy has made far trickier things in the past so was entirely up for the challenge. However, we decided in the end that we’d be able to control the transformation in a more subtle way if we animated it. Things like the lighting changing colour across every frame wouldn’t have been possible, and also it wouldn’t have been featured on Skwigly!

Most memorable Christmas moment:
My mother’s Christmas dinner! Nora Kelly knows her way around a turkey

At the top of the Christmas list:
An enormous pile of snow

Photos of the set and production can be found here!

#AdventAnimation is a daily showcase of holiday themed animation. If you are working on something with some holiday cheer that will be released sometime between 1 December and Christmas Eve, drop me a note and I will put it into consideration.

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