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Signe Baumane unveils new indie feature ‘My Love Affair With Marriage’

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Signe Baumane, acclaimed director of the 2014 independent animated feature Rocks in My Pockets, has this week unveiled her plans to animate and produce a follow up film My Love Affair With Marriage. As with Rocks, funding is being sought through crowdfunding via Kickstarter. The launching of the campaign for a film told from an unapologetically female point of view mere days after the swearing in of the United States’ 45th president holds a special significance to Signe:

A strong female perspective is more relevant now than ever. And the concept of marriage is an essential part of the conversation around gender and women’s rights.
My Love Affair With Marriage is based on my personal experiences – I have been married two times and could never understand why those marriages didn’t last longer than they did. To unravel this mystery, I set out to research the Neuroscience and Mythology of Love.

Signe’s research has yielded the story of young Zelma’s developing understanding of her place in society as a woman by mimicking other girls she perceives to be perfect themselves, unaware of the damage this will cause to her relationships later in life. Along the way she is accompanied by four singing Mythology Sirens – who put pressure on her to conform to society’s expectations – Biology, a character who ‘kindles the chemical processes in Zelma’s brain’.

Should the requested $124,670 – predominantly being put toward the film’s ambitious sound mix and musical score – be raised the film has a projected completion year of 2019. The campaign will run until Friday February 24th, 10am EST.

Signe’s prior work has proved uncompromising in its darkly witty takes on stigmas around sexuality and mental illness, receiving international critical acclaim.

Follow the campaign on Kickstarter and visit Signe online at
Learn more about the making of Signe’s previous independent feature film Rocks in my Pockets in the Skwigly book Independent Animation: Developing, Producing & Distributing Your Animated Films (Taylor & Francis/CRC Press)

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