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5 Reasons Why I Don’t Trust Jellyfish

2019 // Comedy, Student Film, Digital 2D


Dir: Shenja Tatschke

What is the film about?

We don’t know much about life under the water. We don’t know much in general. Often we forget which wonderful, disturbing and funny oddities life has to offer. And who could represent those oddities better than jellyfish with their majestic movements and their wobbly texture. But there is so much more to tell about them …

What influenced it?

All in all influenced by Sophie Koko Gate, Luiz Stockler, Spongebob & Adult Swim

A little background information...

A while ago I had a conversation with a friend and his little sister about weird animals. They would tell me that anglerfish melt into one animal while mating and we had the wildest ideas about what would happen if they were human. When later I was thinking about a good story for an animated short, this conversation popped up in my mind. Just that I remembered those anglerfish to be jellyfish. Luckily enough I found tons of just as amazing facts about jellyfish and I couldn’t stop my imagination from playing around with them.

How was the film made?

First I drew and animated the outlines in Rouch Animator on the iPad and later coloured it in Procreate App. Composition in After Effects.

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