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Cat and Moth

2021 // Comedy, Short Film, CGI


Dir: India Barnardo

What is the film about?

A fluffy white cat wants nothing more than to find the most comfortable spot in the universe, but little does she know someone else has their eye on it too.

What influenced it?

M. C. Escher, Maurice Noble, Looney Tunes and Dr. Seuss

A little background information...

When I was a child I had a kitten that I could hold up, in the palm of my hand, to the lamp hanging from the ceiling at the end of my bed, and she would munch the circling moths out of the air like Homer Simpson eating crisps in zero gravity.

How was the film made?

Cat and Moth is a battle over the most comfortable spot in the universe. It’s set in a doll-house-like, handmade inspired CG set, along with 2D sequences and 2dfx to bridge the two worlds. It was brought to life by a remote world wide crew, with the help of Artella, Peregrine Labs and the Foundry.

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